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Human Rights Watch and the Commission of Inquiry for Syria reported that TSOs detained and unlawfully transferred Syrian nationals to Turkey. On July 20, Turkish artillery reportedly shelled a resort in the Zakho District of Dohuk Province killing nine civilians and injuring 22 others. A May poll conducted by AKSOY Research Company found that only 18 percent of respondents trusted the justice system. According to AKSOY’s reporting, only 15.7 percent of citizens thought the judiciary was independent. If separate prison facilities for minors were not available, minors were held in separate sections within separate male and female adult prisons. Children younger than six were allowed to stay with their incarcerated mothers.

Government intimidation of defense lawyers also at times involved nonterror cases, including freedom of expression cases. According to Ministry of Justice’s prison and correctional facilities statistics, as of September, there were seven medical doctors, 195 dentists, 129 nurses, 895 psychologists, and 457 other health workers serving the prison population. Human rights associations expressed serious concern regarding the inadequate provision of health care to prisoners, particularly the insufficient number of prison doctors. NGOs reported that prison wardens rather than health-care officials often decided whether to allow a prisoner’s transfer to a hospital.

In January media reported that the government involuntarily returned 150 Syrians to Syria. Reports of PMM denying refugee status and issuing deportation orders to individuals who have fled countries where they face persecution for their religious beliefs have increased. Many such cases involve Iranians, including Baha’is, Christian converts, and atheists. The country’s borders with Syria and Iraq remained strictly managed, with admissions only for medical, humanitarian, and family reunification cases from the border with Syria since late 2015. Of the 20 border crossing points between Syria and Turkey, as of December, only one remained open for limited humanitarian, commercial, and individual crossings, and eight additional gates required permission from authorities for all movements. One crossing permitted UN humanitarian cargo to transit the border.

Some human rights activists and lawyers reported that prisoners and detainees were sometimes arbitrarily denied access to family members and lawyers. Dating apps are a bit of a necessary evil, for those of you who struggle to find the time to meet someone IRL. Tinder might be a bit old school, but thankfully, there’s plenty more fish in mobile the sea when it comes to dating apps . Unpacking what the implications of filters on dating apps really mean is like peeling back the layers of an onion where each layer reveals something new. The layer between ‘type’ and ‘preference’ resides dangerously close to ‘bias’ and ‘prejudice’ – much of which goes unnoticed even by the source.

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The law provides for the establishment of violence prevention and monitoring centers to offer economic, psychological, legal, and social assistance. There were 81 violence prevention centers throughout the country, one in each province. In May the minister of family and social services announced 61,167 women and 26,428 children received services from women’s shelters as of April.

The uncomfortable truth is that, despite the positive attributes of filters, there will always be people using them to solidify their biases. But, it does make you consider, if someone is filtering you out of their search options, would you want to be with them? In a twisted way, people with questionable views filter themselves out of your feed as well. Purposefully avoiding certain ethnicities because you don’t even want the prospect of dating them is a fundamentally horrifying perspective.

Even so, white users overwhelmingly reject non-white people on dating sites, said Keon West, a researcher in bias and social psychology who teaches at Goldsmiths University of London. “White people are pickier than any other group of people and much likelier to pick their own group,” he said. One study of a popular online dating site found 80% of contacts initiated by white people went to people of their same race, and just 3% went to black users.

Government restrictions and interference limited the ability of some unions to conduct public and other activities. In addition, some unions reported that local authorities prohibited public activities, such as marches and press conferences. Between 2003 and 2022, the government banned a total of 19 strikes.


Once we’re out of 6’1” Indian men, we might show you 5’11” Indian men, and then 5’10”. I had just graduated business school and was out of a five and a half year relationship. This was my first time jumping into the dating scene, and I didn’t like it, so I decided to build my own dating scene, I guess.

Yeah, so we don’t try to tell anyone what kind of people they should be attracted to, or how they should search to find their partners. I like to say we’re a search platform, and we let people be as picky as they want to be or as not picky. Most people who actually join the app are pretty open-minded in their preferences. We do let people say what ethnicity they are interested in, what religion they’re interested in. Changes like these could have a big impact on society, the authors said, as the popularity of dating apps continues to grow and fewer relationships begin in places like bars, neighborhoods and workplaces.


This goes hand-in-hand with conversations about sexual racism, when internalized biases about a group of people inform an individual’s dating preferences. “I’m not racist, it’s just a preference” is a common phrase uttered by people attempting to avoid any kind of reflection on their own biases. On the flip side of that, some people use ingrained stereotypes to, for example, group all black men together as hypersexual.

This decision followed an ECHR ruling that the government had violated the European Convention on Human Rights by detaining 167 judges and prosecutors after the 2016 attempted coup. Authorities launched another investigation against Dundar in September for “insulting the President” and “insulting the Turkish nation and the state of the Republic of Turkey” based on a Twitter post. Former HDP cochair and presidential candidate Demirtas has been in prison since 2016 based on terrorism charges despite 2018 and 2020 ECHR rulings for his release. In March 2021, in a separate case, a court sentenced Demirtas to three-and-a-half years in prison for insulting President Erdogan during a 2015 speech. Although the Constitutional Court ruled that Demirtas’s lengthy pretrial detention violated his rights in 2020, his release was denied based on the separate Kobane investigation.

Kimberly Guilfoyle lookalike says she was discriminated against by TSA for attending pro-Trump boat party

The HRA and HRFT reported at least 10 deaths of soldiers performing compulsory military service were the result of accidents or occurred under suspicious circumstances during the first 11 months of the year. The government did not release information on its efforts to address abuse through disciplinary action and training. The PKK continued its campaign of attacks on government security forces, resulting in civilian deaths. In June, one person was injured as a result of a handmade explosive the PKK set along a road in the Pervari district of Siirt. In September one police officer was killed and another seriously injured in an attack on a police guesthouse in Mersin, for which the PKK claimed responsibility. In April a remote-controlled handmade explosive detonated in Bursa’s Osmangazi district as a bus transporting guards to a prison passed by, killing a prison guard and wounding several others.

Technology and platforms like ours aren’t really changing behavior. We’re actually creating a platform for people to do what they were doing anyway, more efficiently. When you went to a dinner party with your friends, and you met your boyfriend there, that was essentially a sort of mating.